Blog Entry 2

 “The Brothers Grimm”. The Brother’s Grimm is a Hollywood film, it is expected that the directors and producers of the movie will take creative liberties in order to ensure that the movie is profitable and appeals to a wide audience. There were several differences between the real-life brothers Grimm as described in Chapter 1 of The Brothers Grimm and their depiction in the movie. The brother’s personality and occupation are drastically changed in the movie. The movie depicts the brothers of having constant arguments and heavy drinking. But the brothers were very close to each other and couldn’t stand to be apart. Because of their strong religious beliefs, they looked down on drinking alcohol and did not drink often. In the movie the brothers are con men who travel to towns in order to stop witches or other magical creature even though they never actually stop magical creatures, they just convince people that they do. In reality the brothers never pretended to vanquish magical creatures, they were scholars. They were honest men who worked hard in school to eventually become professors as well as write and publish several books. This brings me to another difference between the real brothers and their portrayal in the movie, the writing of their book of collected fairy tales. The movie makes it seem as though the fairy tale book was the only one, they wrote and that only Jacob wrote it. In real life both brother’s worked on the fairy tale book but it was not the focus of their writing careers. They wrote several essays and part of a Dictionary. However, the most important part of their writing career was their German grammar book which was very popular and positively received by scholars from all over. The largest discrepancy between the book and the movie in my opinion would have to be the movie’s portrayal of real depiction of the fairy tales that the Grimm’s wrote about. The Grimm’s never actually fought a witch, or Sleeping beauty, or Rapunzel’s tower. This obviously was an attempt to make the brother’s story more interesting, but it makes it seem as though the brother’s actually encountered real people and creatures from fairy tales which is definitely not accurate.

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